Play Association Hammersmith and Fulham is a 3rd sector (voluntary) organisation that provides play opportunities, life skills and experiences for SEN children and young people in West London. We believe that every child has the right to play and access opportunities and experiences that meet their needs and abilities.
All throughout lock down we have provided an essential service for LBHF, RBKC, Ealing and Westminster SEN families.
We have provided a support service to other London councils in the past.
We provide bespoke services, for those young people, whom playscheme is not accessible or appropriate because of their individual needs and we work directly with the families.
Many of our young people have turned 18 and because there is no other services for them to access families have asked us to continue providing a service for them, which we are more than happy to do.

8 - 17 years
Antony Lillis is a project for complex needs;
After school term time only 3pm - 6pm
Weekend respite service during term time from 10am - 4pm
School holiday services runs Monday - Friday 10 - 4pm

This is a specialised day service designed for young people with disabilities. We believe that all young people no matter their ability, have the right to access safe, stimulating life skill activities in a non-judgemental environment.
This came be arranged through social services or privately.